大师级设计 / René Gruau


选自Fede Cheti的作品,设计师Ren√©Greau的一些最具标志性的插图创造了一系列图案和永不过时的地毯。比如男人,一个标志性的人物,表达了当时海滨生活的习德,寓意着在乐趣和帆船赛之间保持平衡。限量发行99份。

信息 +
尺寸 (Cm): 220 × 150
尺寸 (Ft): 7.22 × 4.92
质量: 154.000 nodi/mq
组合式地毯: 100% New Zealand wool
高度: 10 mm
技术信息: 手工编织
原产地: india
饰面: The carpets are hand washed, clipped and carved.
颜色: 象牙色

Care & Maintenance
A correct handling and small daily attentions ensure that you may preserve over time the tactile and aesthetic qualities of the carpet. In addition to the quality of the cleaning, which must strictly be professional in case of handmade carpets, there are a number of important recommendations to be made. A few inconveniences may occur soon after first buying a hand-crafted carpet for the first time. Recognizing them and knowing how to deal with them can help you prevent irreversible damage.


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René Gruau
René Gruau
René Gruau
设计师: René Gruau

René Greau是二十世纪最具影响力和知名度的插画家之一,擅长以优雅精致的线条描绘时代图景,最后凝练成集体回忆。徜徉在Fede Cheti 的作品世界,Amini 精心挑选了这位法意艺术家的五幅大表象作品,佐以珍贵羊毛和丝绸,结合手工工艺,混纺制作了两块手工编结地毯。

相关产品, 大师级设计
相关产品, 象牙色