Design Icons / Ico Parisi


Utopia rugs represent a meeting of values: artistic research and manufacturing skills. Eccentric yet versatile, carpet Utopia celebrates the design of Italian artist Ico Parisi with this graphic decoration that explores the art of making visible the invisible.

Information +
Dimensions (Cm): 300 × 200
Dimensions (Ft): 9.84 × 6.56
Quality: 180.000 knots/sqm
Pile composition: 20% natural silk, 80% Tibetan wool (hand spun wool hand carded)
Height: 7 mm
Tecnique: Hand Knotting
Origin: nepal
Finishing: the carpets are hand washed, clipped and carved. The fringes are revolved on the backside and covered with cloth.
Color: Beige
Warm grey
Designer: Ico Parisi

Ico Parisi (Palermo 1916 – Como 1996) was one of the particularly expressive figures of the ‘900 culture. During his career, he works as an architect, as a designer, as the “utopian man” that take on the present and future with a series of provocative and ironic proposals. Its architectural research has often operated in the logic of integration of arts involving contemporary artists in his projects including Mario Radice, Lucio Fontana, Francesco Somaini, Alberto Burri, Fausto Melotti, César, but also people like Michelangelo Antonioni.

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