Limited Editions

Katie Stout

新兴设计师凯蒂·斯托特(Katie Stout,生于 1989 年)将她的作品描述为“朴素的流行”,这是对家具的传统理解和郊区家庭生活主题的讽刺。她利用多种媒体和经常出人意料的技巧。她广泛的工作包括照明、座椅、搁架、镜子、地毯和窗帘。她的作品令人耳目一新,既有黑色讽刺意味,又能唤起对童年天真无邪的欢庆。



“Since the dawn of home decor, western civilization has invited nature indoors. All too often though, it is domesticated, trapped in sensible and pleasing patterns. Manic Botanic seeks to free floral patterns from preconceived notions of taste and allow them to feel wild.”

Manic Botanic
Amini presents: Woven Forms
Woven Forms, Cape Town
Woven Forms, Venice