

Amini Icons

Gio Ponti

系列的最大特点是,风格上,在设计、形状和颜色中达到平衡,实现和谐。自二十世纪以来,Gio Ponti,这位米兰的艺术大师通过西藏羊毛和天然丝绸精雕细琢,彰显作品的高贵典雅,使居住环境有富丽堂皇之感。

Amini Icons

Manlio Rho

Amini通过纯粹的形式、独特的色调,重新诠释Manlio Rho的艺术风格,这是Amini对艺术世界的深入探索,是对艺术天才的挖掘,是对艺术精神的推广。Manlio Rho来自莫斯科,是位少言寡语的艺术大师,其名下画作所知者甚少,多为小众爱好者喜爱,但撇开艺术的角度,从市场趋势考虑,复古作品总能收获较多受众。

Amini Icons

Ico Parisi

Ico Parisi个性独特,专注于艺术融合,是Ferid Amini的座上宾,对意大利诸多项目和领域了解广泛,惊叹于艺术之博大,又苦于调研不足。

Amini Icons

Joe Colombo

新西兰羊毛混合编织手工簇绒地毯,其装饰效果让人秒回20世纪60年代,也是Joe Colombo系列地毯的显著特点,表明此类中性风设计颇受这位才华横溢设计师的垂青,Joe Colombo在制造材料和技术细节方面总是见解独到、与时俱进,技艺精湛,审美一流。

Amini Icons

Fede Cheti

作为20世纪国际设计界的著名人物,Fede Cheti融合了自己与当时世界一流设计的灵感,设计的织料让她举世闻名。她在织品行业的设计可与当时最为精湛的艺术造诣相媲美;今天,Amini推出的风格相似且都令人叹为观止的两款地毯系列,不仅流露出传统工匠精湛手艺,也体现了当代的设计美感。

Amini Icons

René Gruau

René Greau是二十世纪最具影响力和知名度的插画家之一,擅长以优雅精致的线条描绘时代图景,最后凝练成集体回忆。徜徉在Fede Cheti的作品世界,Amini精心挑选了这位法意艺术家的五幅代表作,佐以珍贵羊毛和丝绸,结合手工工艺,混纺制作了两块手工编结地毯。

Amini Icons

Roberto Gabetti e Aimaro Isola

The relationship between modernity and tradition is quite a lively debate in the works of Studio Gabetti & Isola and very familiar to Amini, which continues its tireless research aimed at enhancing Italian cultural heritage. On the initiative and design of Lodovico Gabetti and Fabrizio Pellegrino, Amini offers a hand-knotted version of the Tapizoo Collection – created in 1970 to personalise the spaces of the Centro Residenziale Ovest Olivetti in Ivrea (TO) – in full continuity with the original design.

Amini Icons

Verner Panton

Undisputed symbol of the Undisputed one of the greatest Danish, and internationally renowned designers of the 20th Century.Verner Panton (Gamtofte, February 13, 1926 – Copenhagen, September 5, 1998) made color his expressive tool more than any other designer of the of his time. He traversed the second half of the century illuminating it with his peculiar creative energy, expressed through pure geometric forms, organic lines, and decisive and precise chromatics, studied like mathematical formulas. Alongside iconic and timeless object designs, such as the Panton chair (Vitra) and the Panthella lamp (Louis Poulsen), Panton embraced disruptive research projects, like the Visiona 0 and Visiona II installations, created for Bayer in Cologne (1968-70) displaying an immersive and total conception of interiors.