Limited Editions

Dana Barnes

Dana Barnes 是一位美国艺术家,以其基于织物和纱线(主要是毛毡)工艺的作品而闻名。每件作品都体现了她对物质性、工艺和实验的深深迷恋,并在她位于纽约下东区的工作室中栩栩如生,在那里,使用创新的湿粘合工艺,羊毛和异国情调的纤维块与混凝土、石头、木材等对比元素融合在一起,铜,粘土,树脂。其结果是纹理和雕塑作品、物体和特定地点的建筑装置,它们挑战传统并挑战观众对材料和背景的先入之见。



“I’ve named the series Retold with each individual piece identified by its region, dye, motif or a detail relating to its original story. The idea behind the title is that since I am infusing each antique Persian with a new organic textural form, the narrative evolves for the entire piece in a way that both coexists and celebrates its rich history.”

Retold Bidjar Iron
Retold Mahal Blue Field
Retold Tekkie Medder
Amini presents: Woven Forms
Woven Forms, Cape Town
Woven Forms, Venice