大师级设计 / Fede Cheti


The square geometries of a labyrinth traverse the entire area of the Maze carpets, hand-knotted in wool and inspired by an abstract textile design originating from the archive of the ingenious Italian entrepreneur and designer. There are two color variants: the motif in black on ivory background and in beige on ivory background. In both, accents are entrusted to thin rust-red lines, traced among the meanders of the labyrinth as if drawn with a pen.



信息 +
尺寸 (Cm): 300 × 250, 400 × 300
尺寸 (Ft): 9.84 × 8.20, 13.12 × 9.84
组合式地毯: 100% Tibetan wool
高度: 12 mm mm
技术信息: 手工编织
原产地: india
饰面: The carpets are hand washed, clipped and carved, the fringes are revolved on the backside and covered with cloth
颜色: Black&White
设计师: Fede Cheti

作为20世纪国际设计界的杰出人物,Fede Cheti以联合著名创意设计师设计面料而闻名。她将工业纺织品领域的实验与当时最高形式的装饰艺术相结合。如今,Amini提出了两种令人惊艳的设计品味和风格,同时保留传统工艺和现代设计,与Fede Cheti的作品有异曲同工之效。

相关产品, 大师级设计
相关产品, 黑色