Limited Editions

Wendell Castle

堪萨斯州,1932 年。斯科茨维尔,2018 年。

自职业生涯伊始,Wendell Castle 就不断挑战功能性设计的传统界限,并将自己确立为美国工作室家具运动之父。他的作品被纽约现代艺术博物馆和大都会艺术博物馆等博物馆永久收藏;华盛顿特区的伦威克画廊;芝加哥艺术学院。他在 1960 年代末和 70 年代的标志性木材和彩色凝胶涂层玻璃纤维杰作正迅速成为 20 世纪设计中最重要和令人垂涎的典范。



“I consider myself a craftsperson rather than an artist and painting is a medium that I have been fascinated insince early on in my career when I realized that I was working mainly in wood and really wanted to add some color to my practice. This Woven Forms project presented me with a perfect opportunity to translate my paintings into functional design pieces.”

Rain Bird
Rain Flower
Amini presents: Woven Forms
Woven Forms, Cape Town
Woven Forms, Venice