野蚕丝 / Amini Studio

Vincent II

一系列独一无二的地毯,使人在室内欣赏画作时会产生的共鸣的情感,其最高境界是能让人感到与大自然亲近。文森特地毯完全由手工编织的丝绸制作而成,表现出对远东地区的致敬,也是对文森特·梵高(Vincent Van Gogh)这一鲜为人知的受日本启发的艺术时期的致敬,在那里,装饰的和谐与蓝色的色调相结合,给人一种时代的久远感。

信息 +
尺寸 (Cm): 350 × 250
尺寸 (Ft): 11.48 × 8.20
质量: 120.000 knots/sqm
组合式地毯: 100% pure silk
高度: 7 mm
技术信息: 手工编织
原产地: nepal
饰面: the carpets are hand washed, clipped and carved. The fringes are revolved on the backside and covered with cloth.
颜色: 蓝色

Care & Maintenance
A correct handling and small daily attentions ensure that you may preserve over time the tactile and aesthetic qualities of the carpet. In addition to the quality of the cleaning, which must strictly be professional in case of handmade carpets, there are a number of important recommendations to be made. A few inconveniences may occur soon after first buying a hand-crafted carpet for the first time. Recognizing them and knowing how to deal with them can help you prevent irreversible damage.


More Amini Studio' products
设计师: Amini Studio
相关产品, 野蚕丝
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Vincent I
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Amini Studio
相关产品, 蓝色