大师级设计 / Gio Ponti


数颗三角形钻石排列在一起,形成狭长的长方形或是娟秀的正方形,散发出柔和的光芒,佐以强烈的色彩搭配。Diamantina系列很容易让人想起建筑作品中常用的瓷砖钻石图案,它借鉴了Gio Ponti的原始设计,巧妙利用西藏羊毛和纯天然蚕丝混纺而成上乘地毯,在设计、形状和花色之间达到平衡,是家具的完美配饰,令居家空间比例更合理,氛围更和谐。

信息 +
尺寸 (Cm): 300 × 250, 400 × 300
尺寸 (Ft): 9.84 × 8.20, 13.12 × 9.84
质量: 120.000 nodi/mq
组合式地毯: 30% natural silk, 70% Tibetan wool (hand spun wool hand carded)
高度: 7 mm
技术信息: 手工编织
原产地: nepal
饰面: The carpets are hand washed, clipped and carved. The fringes are revolved on the backside and covered with cloth.
颜色: Acqua, Yellow Grey, Blue, Multi
Yellow Grey

Care & Maintenance
A correct handling and small daily attentions ensure that you may preserve over time the tactile and aesthetic qualities of the carpet. In addition to the quality of the cleaning, which must strictly be professional in case of handmade carpets, there are a number of important recommendations to be made. A few inconveniences may occur soon after first buying a hand-crafted carpet for the first time. Recognizing them and knowing how to deal with them can help you prevent irreversible damage.


More Gio Ponti' products
设计师: Gio Ponti


相关产品, 大师级设计