当代 / Elisa Ossino


Campiture地毯采用几何图形,通过美与运动的公式,打造出动感之美。Elisa Ossino藉由深刻的灵性意识,通过直觉的引导,希冀达到形制和平衡的完美,于是我们看到了旖旎在整体色彩布局之间的线条架构。

信息 +
尺寸 (Cm): 300 × 250, 400 × 300
尺寸 (Ft): 9.84 × 8.20, 13.12 × 9.84
组合式地毯: 100% New Zealand wool
高度: 12 mm
技术信息: 手工编织
原产地: india
饰面: Pile loop and cut. The carpets are hand washed and clipped.
颜色: Beige Black, White Black, Antique Rose Brown, Bright Orange Pop Blue, Light Mint Purple, Teal Red Brown
Beige Black
White Black
Antique Rose Brown
Bright Orange Pop Blue
Light Mint Purple
Teal Red Brown

Care & Maintenance
A correct handling and small daily attentions ensure that you may preserve over time the tactile and aesthetic qualities of the carpet. In addition to the quality of the cleaning, which must strictly be professional in case of handmade carpets, there are a number of important recommendations to be made. A few inconveniences may occur soon after first buying a hand-crafted carpet for the first time. Recognizing them and knowing how to deal with them can help you prevent irreversible damage.


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设计师: Elisa Ossino

Elisa Ossino 是一位建筑师和室内设计师。西西里人,她在米兰接受培训,并在米兰理工大学学习。 2006 年,他创立了 Elisa Ossino Studio,负责住宅和零售室内设计、产品设计和布景设计。她的作品结合了几何抽象、单色、形而上学和超现实主义的参考,赋予空间之间连贯而引人入胜的关系以生命,由他的标志、光线和物体的强烈特征所识别。

相关产品, 当代
相关产品, 中性色