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We use our own and third part cookies to improve your experience and our services. If you continue browsing, you are deemed to accept the use.
For more informations check our Cookie Policy
Informativa ai sensi degli art. 13-14 del GDPR (General Data Protection Regulatiob)
regolamento UE 2016/679 del 27 Aprile 2016.
Ai sensi del Regolamento UE 2016/679: “Regolamento Europeo in materia di protezione dei dati personali” (GDPR)”, informiamo che i dati
personali raccolti sono trattati da Abc Italia srl come di seguito indicato.
1. Titolare del trattamento
ABC Italia Srl, con sede legale in Via Borgogna, 7 20122 Milano (Mi), PI 05559250963;
2. Oggetto del Trattamento
I dati personali sono raccolti e trattati, ai sensi dell’art. 6 del GDPR, per finalità amministrativo/contabili, adempimenti contrattuali e/o precontrattuali, adempimento di obblighi derivanti da Leggi, Regolamenti, Norme Comunitarie, per adempimenti previsti dalle norme in materia di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro, per la gestione della corrispondenza e delle comunicazioni.
Il conferimento e trattamento dei dati per dette finalità è obbligatorio.
3. Modalità del trattamento
Il trattamento dei dati è improntato a principi di correttezza, liceità e trasparenza. Esso avverrà mediante strumenti idonei a garantire la sicurezza e la riservatezza dell’interessato e tramite procedure che evitino il rischio di perdita, l’accesso non autorizzato, l’uso illecito e/o la diffusione, nel rispetto delle condizioni del Regolamento UE 679/2016. I dati personali sono sottoposti a trattamento sia cartaceo che elettronico e/o automatizzato.
4. Accesso ai dati
I soggetti che possono avere accesso ai dati personali in qualità di responsabili o incaricati (ai sensi dell’Art. 13 comma 1 del GDPR) sono:
Il Titolare del trattamento, nella persona del Legale Rappresentante; Il Personale dipendente del Titolare del trattamento; Soggetti terzi che svolgono attività per conto del Titolare o che forniscano specifici servizi strumentali e di supporto, Soggetti cui la facoltà di accedere ai dati sia riconosciuta da disposizioni di legge.
5. Comunicazione dei dati
I dati non verranno comunicati a Terzi non autorizzati e/o diffusi. Il trattamento dei dati è condotto con l’impiego delle misure di sicurezza idonee ad impedirne l’accesso e a garantirne la riservatezza.
6. Periodo di conservazione dei dati
Il Titolare tratterà i dati personali per adempiere alle finalità di cui sopra e comunque non oltre 10 anni dalla cessazione del rapporto contrattuale. Decorso detto termine i dati saranno cancellati o resi anonimi entro i tempi stabiliti dalla Legge. Qualora intervenga la revoca del consenso al trattamento da parte dell’interessato, i dati verranno cancellati o resi anonimi entro 72 ore dalla ricezione della revoca.
7. Diritti dell’interessato
Gli interessati possono sempre esercitare i diritti esplicitati negli artt. 13 comma 2, 15, 18, 19 e 21 del GDPR. Dal ricevimento della presente informativa, si intenderà rilasciato il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali.
8. Modalità di esercizio dei diritti
Gli utenti possono esercitare i propri diritti in qualsiasi momento, inviando una mail all’indirizzo mail: info@amini.it Ai sensi del GDPR 2016/679, dichiaro di aver preso visione dell’informativa privacy di ABC Italia srl ed acconsento al trattamento dei miei dati personali per le finalità di cui all’informativa.
Our site uses cookies, which are small text files of letters and numbers sent to the user’s computing device (usually inserted in the browser). The user’s device memorizes the files and then retransmits them on successive visits to the same site (see the legislation on cookies, at http://www.garanteprivacy.it/web/guest/home/docweb/-/docweb-display/docweb/3118884 ).
Cookies permit faster, improved analysis of web traffic. They serve in recording how often a specific site or part of a site is visited, or to distinguish between visitors and offer them personalised content, to support administrative aspects, and to improve the overall site and the user’s own navigation experience.
Cookies DO NOT permit the site operator to access other information within your device. They CANNOT transmit code of any type, and ARE NOT harmful to the user’s device.
In the following sections we provide information on the cookies installed by this particular site, and indications of how you can manage your preferences in this regard.
When the user enters this site for the first time, they will see a brief information banner introducing our use of cookies.
By closing the banner, or clicking outside it and proceeding with their navigation, the user accepts the use of cookies according to the description in the present Cookie policy.
The site memorizes the user’s choice, so that the banner will not be seen again during subsequent visits on the same device. However the user can also revoke their decision to accept cookies, at any time.
If you experience technical problems with the acceptation of retraction of consent, please contact us so that we can resolve the issue.
We use both ‘persistent’ and ‘session’ cookies for the operation of our site. Persistent cookies remain in the device’s memory until the user manually removes them, or until automatic removal at some long-term interval. Session cookies serve for only one browser session and following that do not remain in the computer.
Our cookies are also classified according to purpose, as follows:
Technical – session Technical – navigation (These types of cookie do not require the user’s permission.) |
These cookies are indispensible for the correct function of our site, and deactivating them would cause malfunction. They permit the user to navigate and visualise the content.
Such cookies are necessary to keep the navigation session open, and to permit the user to continue to reserved areas. Other examples of their use are to remember information that the user enters in a form, or while going back and forth to successive pages. |
Technical – functional (These types of cookie do not require the user’s permission.) |
These cookies permit the user to use the specific characteristics of a given site, and make navigation easier. The site will function best if these cookies are enabled, but will continue to operate if the user decides to deactivate them on their device.
Cookies of this type can be used to record language preferences, to visualise specific content, or to remember the articles in a shopping basket for a limited period of time, in the event that the sessions is closed before the purchase is carried out. |
Technical – permission (These types of cookie do not require the user’s permission.) |
This type of cookie traces the user’s permission to use cookies on the site, so that in subsequent visits they will not see the information banner and the request for permission. |
Statistical – analytical (These types of cookie require the user’s permission.) |
These cookies serve for gathering data on the way the user navigates in our site. The information from all our users is analysed in aggregate form, for statistical purposes.
Such cookies are not strictly necessary for site operation but the statistical analyses provided are very useful for improving our content and services. |
We use third-party cookies for purposes such as gathering statistics on site use and for marketing, and to personalise the site content. The following three sections provide more detailed information on these cookies and how to access the internet sites of the third parties involved.
Our site uses Google Analytics, a third-party service for the analysis of web traffic provided by Google, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway – Mountain View – CA94043 USA.
The service uses cookies to gather and analyse aggregate information on user navigation. Google Analytics processes this information and provides us with reports, which we assist us to ensure the proper operation of our services and understand the users’ satisfaction with the contents.
If you would like more information on Google Analytics’ user privacy policies, click here. To disable statistical cookies this kind of data collection on your navigation, go to https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
We use specific cookies for management our marketing campaigns. The table below lists the third-party services used and provides links to their privacy policies and means for their deactivation:
AdWords Conversion | Google Inc. | 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View – CA94043 USA |
Go to the third-party privacy policy | Click here
Or configure by clicking here |
In some cases our pages could contain social plugins managed by major third-party companies, such as the Facebook ‘Like’ button, or Twitter ‘retweet’. When you arrive at a page with the necessary cookie, your browser automatically connects to the third-party server and the plugin appears on the page.
In some cases the third-party server could record the event of your visit to specific pages. Also, if you visit the site while you are logged in to that social medium, then the information could be associated with your account.
If you use the plugin functions (such as the Facebook ‘Like’ button), then this information could also be associated with your account.
The table below lists the individual plugins and provides information on deactivating them.
Facebook Inc. | 1601 S. California Ave Palo Alto – CA94304 USA |
Vai alla privacy policy della terza parte | Clicca qui |
If you wish to prevent this site from installing cookies, you must either avoid using it or change your browser settings to block cookie reception. However, please note that disabling cookies could also block or partially disable the operation of all or parts of the site.
Most browsers will permit you to block or accept all cookies, or to accept only certain ones such as from specific sites chosen by the user. To change the settings for cookie operation, to block their reception, or eliminate those present in your device, please go to ‘settings’ on your browser.
The methods for setting cookie operation vary from browser to browser. Please consult the ‘help’ section of your own browser. For an overview of this aspect visit www.aboutcookies.org.
For further general information on cookies, including how to manage third-party cookies, go to www.youronlinechoices.com.
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对于可用产品,我们会在您下订单时从您的信用卡中扣款。对于不能立即提供的产品,您的卡将收取 50% 的押金,余款将在产品准备好发货时支付。
您可以通过发送电子邮件至 info@amini.it 或致电 +39 02 45391455 来更改或取消您的订单。我们只能更改或取消尚未发货的订单。我们无法更改或取消定制订单。
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– 国际配送按体积重量收费,并在结账时计算,不含税和关税。
有关交付和特定服务的任何具体要求,请通过 info@amini.it 联系我们
– 对于欧洲订单,请考虑在您购买后的 3 到 5 个工作日内完成。
– 对于欧盟以外的订单,请考虑在收到付款后的 10 到 15 个工作日内处理。
加工中的地毯:如需更新到货和可用性信息,请通过 info@amini.it 联系我们
定制地毯:购买后 4 个月(100% 预付款)。
– 在欧洲:退货费用由我们承担。请注意,与购买相关的运费将不予退还(95.00 欧元)。
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退货前,请联系我们。然后,我们将安排 FedEx 向您收取物品。退货可以从送货初始地址收集。
出于安全原因,我们只能向您下订单时使用的原始付款方式退款。将物品退还给我们后,请确认其完好无损。通常需要 5-7 个工作日才能处理退货并将款项显示在您的帐户中。
– 在欧洲:在地毯到达后 14 天内将书面请求发送至 info@amini.it。所有退货和新的运费将由客户承担。
– 欧洲以外地区:退货和新货的所有运费和关税将由客户承担。